Gas Marketing & Admin. Manager
City of Sunrise, FL
Salary: $75,879.62 - $107,214.01 Annually
Location : Sunrise, FL
Job Type: Full Time
Job Number: 2025-102
Department: UTILITIES
Opening Date: 02/28/2025
Closing Date: 3/28/2025 12:59 AM Eastern
Bargaining Unit: SUPR
This is responsible, professional-level work involving the comprehensive sales and marketing with administrative support functions for the Gas Department.
An employee in this class is responsible for direct sales of natural gas to residential and commercial accounts, developing and implementing an integrated "natural gas" marketing program to increase the number of residential, commercial and industrial gas customers, and performing various administrative duties in assisting departmental management in carrying out required administrative operations. Responsibilities include implementing new marketing programs designed to increase revenues, provide cost savings opportunities to new residential and commercial developments, and provide technical support and assistance to customers regarding energy-related decisions. The incumbent exercises considerable independent judgment in the development of marketing and sales policy and strategy. Duties include managing a Public Awareness Program that meets federal regulatory standards. Other duties include managing various administrative functions such as purchasing, invoice processing, inventory control, customer service, records management and related program support. General supervision is received from an administrative superior who reviews work through personal conferences and written reports and holds the incumbent responsible for increased customer accounts and sales, effective public relations and marketing.
Examples of Duties
Creates, establishes and maintains business relationships with corporate management, executives in the construction industry and other group representatives; responsible for the profitability of all segments and analysis to support various pricing policies and practices; develops recommendations for changes to enhance sales and services.
Gathers data and submits periodic detailed sales reports, along with forecasts and reports on anticipated future sales, including annual budgets, sales goals and supporting programs; understands and prepares cost studies of gas versus electric equipment, as needed, to promote
the sale of natural gas; analyzes sales information while taking into account seasonal patterns, and local competition; develops an annual calendar of mailings to significantly increase sales; represents the City in various trade and industry associations.
Confers with administrative officials in planning and development of overall strategy, special events sales and appropriate bids and resolutions; develops comprehensive communication materials including brochures, bill stuffers and flyers on latest updated gas equipment available; designs and develops new programs that can utilize available distribution networks either service or revenue producing programs or both; assists in the establishment of policies, procedures and controls for the sale programs; responds to requests for information by residential and commercial customers regarding gas service rates and appliance availability.
Develops relationships and works closely with contractors, architects and engineers in the establishment of policies, procedures and controls for the sale programs, informing them of gas processes and end use equipment, as well as promoting gas utilization; coordinates the application and installation of materials, equipment and labor necessary to install gas fuel lines; prepares and routes paperwork for installation of new gas service and equipment; and maintains complete records of all builders and builder's activities.
Assists in planning and preparing project budgets; ensures adherence to budget procedures and guidelines; reviews completed budget documents for format, accuracy of budget codes and computations; provides pertinent information on forecasts; periodically analyzes budget status by monitoring monthly expenditure reports; prepares and processes transactions, periodic adjustments and transfers.
Analyzes financial, procurement and administrative procedures for simplifications and improvement in efficiency; analyzes purchase orders to determine requirements; checks requisitions for completeness and accuracy; writes specifications and requisitions and assists in the selection of bids for departmental equipment or supplies.
Prepares oral and written program evaluation reports and other sources of supplemental information in order to ensure that professional program standards have been adhered to in an activity or program under contract identifies problem areas, determines trends, evaluates performance, presents findings and recommends solutions or alternatives.
Supervises clerical personnel engaged in preparation of invoices and billings for equipment or services, issuance of purchase orders and requisitions, reconciliation of computer reports and related clerical activities; provides training to employees in new procedures required with automated accounting and reporting systems.
Supervises administrative support personnel engaged in processing personnel actions; discusses work related problems with employees; coordinates personnel activities including personnel records, invoice processing, inventory control and related compliance programs.
Performs related work as required.
Supplemental Information
Considerable knowledge of the objectives of a specialized comprehensive promotional marketing for natural gas utility service.
Considerable knowledge of terms and conditions pertaining to the sale of natural gas utility service and natural gas appliances.
Considerable knowledge of the principles of general management and their application to governmental administration.
Knowledge of general accounting practices, inventory control, invoice processing, customer service and regulatory compliance programs.
Knowledge of the variability and rates for natural gas and equipment prices.
Knowledge of basic accounting principles, practices and procedures.
Knowledge of budget preparation procedures and reporting requirements.
Knowledge of departmental, legal, administrative and procedural regulations.
Knowledge of the principles and procedures of modern office administration.
Knowledge of the principles, practices and procedures of public personnel administration.
Knowledge of supervisory principles and practices.
Knowledge of computer applications including spreadsheets, graphics and word processing packages.
Knowledge of proper application of all common residential gas burning equipment.
Ability to analyze sales projections and information and make sound recommendations for marketing program improvements.
Ability to analyze administrative problems and make sound recommendations as to their solution.
Ability to supervise the work of subordinates with various skills levels in a manner conducive to full performance and high morale.
Ability to understand and carry out complex oral and written instructions.
Ability to plan, organize and implement a comprehensive promotional marketing and sales program.
Ability to establish and maintain effective relations with other employees, supervisors, city officials, outside agency representatives and the general public.
Ability to express ideas clearly and concisely, verbally and in writing to groups and individuals.
Ability to supervise preparation of records and reports on a timely and complete basis.
Ability to prepare and submit progress and survey reports on a weekly and monthly basis.
Ability to develop and participate in gas conservation education activities with adults and youths.
The description of benefits for which, an employee may be eligible have been generally summarized in this information sheet for your convenience; however, you must refer to all applicable City ordinances, collective bargaining agreements and/or plan documents for specific terms and conditions. These benefits may be affected by future changes in policy, collective bargaining, City ordinances and/or legislative actions. The City reserves the right to increase, modify, decrease or eliminate benefits at any time. No benefit is created or maintained simply based on this document, and its contents do not give rise to any contractual rights related to continuing employment or receipt of benefits between the City of Sunrise and its employees. The information contained herein supersedes any prior benefit sheet(s).
The City of Sunrise is an economic powerhouse in western Broward County encompassing more than 18 square miles. As the host of Sawgrass International Corporate Park - the largest business park in South Florida - Sunrise has its own flourishing job market and currently employs approximately 1,100 employees and numbers continue to rise.
The City takes a very active role in business development, recruitment and prides itself on creating job opportunities for its residents. There are very few communities of similar size that welcome the tens of millions of visitors that we do here in Sunrise, or that can boast the magnitude of regional assets found in our City.
Our City shines and we understand in order to shine brighter; we must continue to recognize our employees as one of our most valuable assets. The City of Sunrise takes great pride in recruiting future employees and developing and retaining current ones by offering our comprehensive compensation and benefits package throughout an employee's career.
5% Supplemental Pay:
Supervisory/Professional employees shall receive a five percent (5%) supplemental pay calculated on the employee's base rate of pay.
City-Paid Medical Benefits:
Based on successful completion of full-time, continuous service with the City, employee shall receive the following:
Years of Creditable Service Longevity Benefit*
10 Years 2.5%
15 Years 2.5%
20 Years 5.0%
* Longevity Benefit calculated on employee's base rate of pay
Paid Holidays:
Employees receive the following City-paid holidays:
• New Year's Day • Veterans' Day
• Martin Luther King Day • Thanksgiving Day
• Memorial Day • Friday after Thanksgiving
• 4th of July, Independence Day • Christmas Day
• Labor Day
Annual Leave:
Annual leave may be taken as earned. Maximum accumulation each fiscal year is 360 hours. At time of resignation or retirement, employee is paid for all annual leave accrued at their current rate of pay. Annual leave is accrued based on continuous, full-time service with the City, as follows:
Completed Months of Service Total Hours/Days Accrued Annually
Up to and including first 60 months 128 hours/16 Days
Greater than 60 months through 120 months 168 hours/21 Days
Greater than 120 months through 204 months 208 hours/26 Days
Greater than 204 months 248 hours/31 Days
Annual Leave Cash Out:
Employee can opt to receive a non-pensionable cash payment twice per year for up to forty (40) hours of annual leave, provided accrued annual leave bank does not fall below eighty (80) hours.
Floating Holidays:
Upon completion of (26) weeks of full-time employment with the City, employee shall be entitled to utilize up to five (5) floating holidays per fiscal year. Floating holidays shall not carry over to the next fiscal year.
Perfect Attendance:
For every six (6) months period (April 1 - September 30) and (October 1 - March 31) in which, no sick or unpaid leave is utilized, an employee shall receive ten (10) hours of annual leave credited. Employees who qualify for a consecutive Perfect Attendance benefit shall receive (14) hours of annual leave credited for each consecutive earning period.
Sick Leave:
Each employee earns (96) hours (12 days) of sick leave annually with no waiting period for use and maximum accrual of 1,440 hours. Upon separation of City employment due to resignation, employee shall receive payment of all accrued sick leave at a rate of twenty- five percent (25%) of the employee's current rate of pay at time of resignation. Upon separation of employment due to retirement, employee shall receive payment of all accrued sick leave at a rate of fifty percent (50%) of the employee's current rate of pay at the time of retirement.
Sick Leave Conversion:
After completion of one (1) year of continuous, full-time employment with the City, an employee may convert their unused portion of their first six (6) days (maximum of forty- eight (48) hours) of accrued sick leave into annual leave. Conversions are subject to the following: A minimum of 96 unused sick leave hours accrued prior to hours being converted, total eligible sick leave hours to be converted shall be reduced hour-for-hour by any sick leave hours utilized during the eligible benefit period, and conversion subject to annual leave accrual cap.
Bereavement Leave:
Qualifying City-paid Bereavement Leave as follows:
• In State = Up to 3 Days
• Out of State = Up to 5 Days
Tuition Reimbursement:
After (2) two years of continuous full-time employment:
• 100% reimbursement for a grade of A or B
• 50% reimbursement for a grade of C
• $500 books/lab reimbursement per semester
Credit Union:
We Florida Financial Bank & Credit Union - 8890 NW 44th Street, Sunrise, FL 33351
Optional Voluntary Benefits (paid by the employee):
• Single or Family Dental Insurance
• Single or Family Vision Insurance
• Accident Advantage
• Life Insurance
• Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance
• Long Term Disability Insurance
• Long Term Care Insurance
• Short Term Disability Insurance
• Critical Care Protection
• Cancer Protection Assurance
• Mission Square Retirement Programs
o 457 Deferred Compensation Plan
o 401(a) Governmental Purchase Plan: Newly hired
Do you have a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business Administration or related field from an accredited college or university?
Do you have an Associate's Degree in Marketing, Business Administration or a related field from an accredited college or university PLUS eight (8) years of direct natural gas experience in lieu of a Bachelor's Degree?
Do you have five (5) years of professional and administrative management experience involving management, marketing, and sales preferably involving a municipal gas or utility system with an emphasis on new residential and commercial customer acquisition?
Do you have a valid Florida's Driver's License?
If yes, please provide Date of Issue
If you have not held a Florida Driver's License for the last three (3) years, please give previous Driver's License number and the State or County in which it was issued.
Are you able to provide a minimum of seven (7) years driving record history?
Has your license ever been suspended?
If YES, please give dates and explanation.
Has your license ever been revoked?
If YES, please give dates and explanation.
List all Traffic Citations (tickets) within the last (7) seven years by DATE, DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE, STATE/COUNTY IN WHICH IT OCCURRED AND DISPOSITION OF CASE
If none, write "NONE"
Have you ever completed a defensive driving course?
If YES, when?
Required Question
Location : Sunrise, FL
Job Type: Full Time
Job Number: 2025-102
Department: UTILITIES
Opening Date: 02/28/2025
Closing Date: 3/28/2025 12:59 AM Eastern
Bargaining Unit: SUPR
This is responsible, professional-level work involving the comprehensive sales and marketing with administrative support functions for the Gas Department.
An employee in this class is responsible for direct sales of natural gas to residential and commercial accounts, developing and implementing an integrated "natural gas" marketing program to increase the number of residential, commercial and industrial gas customers, and performing various administrative duties in assisting departmental management in carrying out required administrative operations. Responsibilities include implementing new marketing programs designed to increase revenues, provide cost savings opportunities to new residential and commercial developments, and provide technical support and assistance to customers regarding energy-related decisions. The incumbent exercises considerable independent judgment in the development of marketing and sales policy and strategy. Duties include managing a Public Awareness Program that meets federal regulatory standards. Other duties include managing various administrative functions such as purchasing, invoice processing, inventory control, customer service, records management and related program support. General supervision is received from an administrative superior who reviews work through personal conferences and written reports and holds the incumbent responsible for increased customer accounts and sales, effective public relations and marketing.
Examples of Duties
Creates, establishes and maintains business relationships with corporate management, executives in the construction industry and other group representatives; responsible for the profitability of all segments and analysis to support various pricing policies and practices; develops recommendations for changes to enhance sales and services.
Gathers data and submits periodic detailed sales reports, along with forecasts and reports on anticipated future sales, including annual budgets, sales goals and supporting programs; understands and prepares cost studies of gas versus electric equipment, as needed, to promote
the sale of natural gas; analyzes sales information while taking into account seasonal patterns, and local competition; develops an annual calendar of mailings to significantly increase sales; represents the City in various trade and industry associations.
Confers with administrative officials in planning and development of overall strategy, special events sales and appropriate bids and resolutions; develops comprehensive communication materials including brochures, bill stuffers and flyers on latest updated gas equipment available; designs and develops new programs that can utilize available distribution networks either service or revenue producing programs or both; assists in the establishment of policies, procedures and controls for the sale programs; responds to requests for information by residential and commercial customers regarding gas service rates and appliance availability.
Develops relationships and works closely with contractors, architects and engineers in the establishment of policies, procedures and controls for the sale programs, informing them of gas processes and end use equipment, as well as promoting gas utilization; coordinates the application and installation of materials, equipment and labor necessary to install gas fuel lines; prepares and routes paperwork for installation of new gas service and equipment; and maintains complete records of all builders and builder's activities.
Assists in planning and preparing project budgets; ensures adherence to budget procedures and guidelines; reviews completed budget documents for format, accuracy of budget codes and computations; provides pertinent information on forecasts; periodically analyzes budget status by monitoring monthly expenditure reports; prepares and processes transactions, periodic adjustments and transfers.
Analyzes financial, procurement and administrative procedures for simplifications and improvement in efficiency; analyzes purchase orders to determine requirements; checks requisitions for completeness and accuracy; writes specifications and requisitions and assists in the selection of bids for departmental equipment or supplies.
Prepares oral and written program evaluation reports and other sources of supplemental information in order to ensure that professional program standards have been adhered to in an activity or program under contract identifies problem areas, determines trends, evaluates performance, presents findings and recommends solutions or alternatives.
Supervises clerical personnel engaged in preparation of invoices and billings for equipment or services, issuance of purchase orders and requisitions, reconciliation of computer reports and related clerical activities; provides training to employees in new procedures required with automated accounting and reporting systems.
Supervises administrative support personnel engaged in processing personnel actions; discusses work related problems with employees; coordinates personnel activities including personnel records, invoice processing, inventory control and related compliance programs.
Performs related work as required.
- Graduation from an accredited college or university with a Bachelor's Degree in marketing, business administration or a related field; considerable progressively responsible experience involving natural gas sales, marketing and administration, preferably involving a municipal gas or utility system, with emphasis on residential and commercial utility sales and marketing.
- An Associate's Degree with eight (8) years of direct natural gas experience may be accepted in lieu of a Bachelor's Degree.
- Five (5) years of professional and administrative management experience involving office management, marketing and new customer sales preferably within a municipal gas or utility system.
- Possession of a valid driver's license with a good driving record.
Supplemental Information
Considerable knowledge of the objectives of a specialized comprehensive promotional marketing for natural gas utility service.
Considerable knowledge of terms and conditions pertaining to the sale of natural gas utility service and natural gas appliances.
Considerable knowledge of the principles of general management and their application to governmental administration.
Knowledge of general accounting practices, inventory control, invoice processing, customer service and regulatory compliance programs.
Knowledge of the variability and rates for natural gas and equipment prices.
Knowledge of basic accounting principles, practices and procedures.
Knowledge of budget preparation procedures and reporting requirements.
Knowledge of departmental, legal, administrative and procedural regulations.
Knowledge of the principles and procedures of modern office administration.
Knowledge of the principles, practices and procedures of public personnel administration.
Knowledge of supervisory principles and practices.
Knowledge of computer applications including spreadsheets, graphics and word processing packages.
Knowledge of proper application of all common residential gas burning equipment.
Ability to analyze sales projections and information and make sound recommendations for marketing program improvements.
Ability to analyze administrative problems and make sound recommendations as to their solution.
Ability to supervise the work of subordinates with various skills levels in a manner conducive to full performance and high morale.
Ability to understand and carry out complex oral and written instructions.
Ability to plan, organize and implement a comprehensive promotional marketing and sales program.
Ability to establish and maintain effective relations with other employees, supervisors, city officials, outside agency representatives and the general public.
Ability to express ideas clearly and concisely, verbally and in writing to groups and individuals.
Ability to supervise preparation of records and reports on a timely and complete basis.
Ability to prepare and submit progress and survey reports on a weekly and monthly basis.
Ability to develop and participate in gas conservation education activities with adults and youths.
The description of benefits for which, an employee may be eligible have been generally summarized in this information sheet for your convenience; however, you must refer to all applicable City ordinances, collective bargaining agreements and/or plan documents for specific terms and conditions. These benefits may be affected by future changes in policy, collective bargaining, City ordinances and/or legislative actions. The City reserves the right to increase, modify, decrease or eliminate benefits at any time. No benefit is created or maintained simply based on this document, and its contents do not give rise to any contractual rights related to continuing employment or receipt of benefits between the City of Sunrise and its employees. The information contained herein supersedes any prior benefit sheet(s).
The City of Sunrise is an economic powerhouse in western Broward County encompassing more than 18 square miles. As the host of Sawgrass International Corporate Park - the largest business park in South Florida - Sunrise has its own flourishing job market and currently employs approximately 1,100 employees and numbers continue to rise.
The City takes a very active role in business development, recruitment and prides itself on creating job opportunities for its residents. There are very few communities of similar size that welcome the tens of millions of visitors that we do here in Sunrise, or that can boast the magnitude of regional assets found in our City.
Our City shines and we understand in order to shine brighter; we must continue to recognize our employees as one of our most valuable assets. The City of Sunrise takes great pride in recruiting future employees and developing and retaining current ones by offering our comprehensive compensation and benefits package throughout an employee's career.
5% Supplemental Pay:
Supervisory/Professional employees shall receive a five percent (5%) supplemental pay calculated on the employee's base rate of pay.
City-Paid Medical Benefits:
- Group Health Insurance: The City pays for 100% of the cost for single coverage for full-time employees and 66.66% of cost for Dependent/Family Coverage. Upon retirement and separation from City employment, employee receives a monthly stipend of $350 per month, applicable toward retiree health coverage.
- Life Insurance: $50,000
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D): $50,000
- Eye Care Reimbursement - Up to $250 every two (2) fiscal years (Employee only)
- EKG/Stress Test - Up to $150 reimbursement per fiscal year (Employee only)
- Physical Examination - Up to $250 reimbursement per fiscal year (Employee only)
- Employee Assistance Program (EAP) through Cigna Behavioral
- Employee Contribution = 8%
- Vesting = 10 Years
- Average Final Compensation (AFC) = 2.5% of pensionable earnings for each year of creditable service
- Maximum Benefit = 80% of AFC, not to exceed $80,000.
- Normal Retirement = Age 62 and ten (10) years of creditable service.
- Early Retirement = Age 57 and ten (10) years of creditable service, 3% annual reduction for each year prior to normal retirement age.
- 13th check based on monthly retirement, payable if the pension plan funding status is equal to or greater than 100%. Paid in December each year following retirement.
- Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) = 4 years/48 months maximum.
- DROP Interest Rate = 4%, compounded annually.
Based on successful completion of full-time, continuous service with the City, employee shall receive the following:
Years of Creditable Service Longevity Benefit*
10 Years 2.5%
15 Years 2.5%
20 Years 5.0%
* Longevity Benefit calculated on employee's base rate of pay
Paid Holidays:
Employees receive the following City-paid holidays:
• New Year's Day • Veterans' Day
• Martin Luther King Day • Thanksgiving Day
• Memorial Day • Friday after Thanksgiving
• 4th of July, Independence Day • Christmas Day
• Labor Day
Annual Leave:
Annual leave may be taken as earned. Maximum accumulation each fiscal year is 360 hours. At time of resignation or retirement, employee is paid for all annual leave accrued at their current rate of pay. Annual leave is accrued based on continuous, full-time service with the City, as follows:
Completed Months of Service Total Hours/Days Accrued Annually
Up to and including first 60 months 128 hours/16 Days
Greater than 60 months through 120 months 168 hours/21 Days
Greater than 120 months through 204 months 208 hours/26 Days
Greater than 204 months 248 hours/31 Days
Annual Leave Cash Out:
Employee can opt to receive a non-pensionable cash payment twice per year for up to forty (40) hours of annual leave, provided accrued annual leave bank does not fall below eighty (80) hours.
Floating Holidays:
Upon completion of (26) weeks of full-time employment with the City, employee shall be entitled to utilize up to five (5) floating holidays per fiscal year. Floating holidays shall not carry over to the next fiscal year.
Perfect Attendance:
For every six (6) months period (April 1 - September 30) and (October 1 - March 31) in which, no sick or unpaid leave is utilized, an employee shall receive ten (10) hours of annual leave credited. Employees who qualify for a consecutive Perfect Attendance benefit shall receive (14) hours of annual leave credited for each consecutive earning period.
Sick Leave:
Each employee earns (96) hours (12 days) of sick leave annually with no waiting period for use and maximum accrual of 1,440 hours. Upon separation of City employment due to resignation, employee shall receive payment of all accrued sick leave at a rate of twenty- five percent (25%) of the employee's current rate of pay at time of resignation. Upon separation of employment due to retirement, employee shall receive payment of all accrued sick leave at a rate of fifty percent (50%) of the employee's current rate of pay at the time of retirement.
Sick Leave Conversion:
After completion of one (1) year of continuous, full-time employment with the City, an employee may convert their unused portion of their first six (6) days (maximum of forty- eight (48) hours) of accrued sick leave into annual leave. Conversions are subject to the following: A minimum of 96 unused sick leave hours accrued prior to hours being converted, total eligible sick leave hours to be converted shall be reduced hour-for-hour by any sick leave hours utilized during the eligible benefit period, and conversion subject to annual leave accrual cap.
Bereavement Leave:
Qualifying City-paid Bereavement Leave as follows:
• In State = Up to 3 Days
• Out of State = Up to 5 Days
Tuition Reimbursement:
After (2) two years of continuous full-time employment:
• 100% reimbursement for a grade of A or B
• 50% reimbursement for a grade of C
• $500 books/lab reimbursement per semester
Credit Union:
We Florida Financial Bank & Credit Union - 8890 NW 44th Street, Sunrise, FL 33351
Optional Voluntary Benefits (paid by the employee):
• Single or Family Dental Insurance
• Single or Family Vision Insurance
• Accident Advantage
• Life Insurance
• Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance
• Long Term Disability Insurance
• Long Term Care Insurance
• Short Term Disability Insurance
• Critical Care Protection
• Cancer Protection Assurance
• Mission Square Retirement Programs
o 457 Deferred Compensation Plan
o 401(a) Governmental Purchase Plan: Newly hired
Do you have a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, Business Administration or related field from an accredited college or university?
- Yes
- No
Do you have an Associate's Degree in Marketing, Business Administration or a related field from an accredited college or university PLUS eight (8) years of direct natural gas experience in lieu of a Bachelor's Degree?
- Yes
- No
Do you have five (5) years of professional and administrative management experience involving management, marketing, and sales preferably involving a municipal gas or utility system with an emphasis on new residential and commercial customer acquisition?
- Yes
- No
Do you have a valid Florida's Driver's License?
- Yes
- No
If yes, please provide Date of Issue
If you have not held a Florida Driver's License for the last three (3) years, please give previous Driver's License number and the State or County in which it was issued.
Are you able to provide a minimum of seven (7) years driving record history?
- Yes
- No
Has your license ever been suspended?
- Yes
- No
If YES, please give dates and explanation.
Has your license ever been revoked?
- Yes
- No
If YES, please give dates and explanation.
List all Traffic Citations (tickets) within the last (7) seven years by DATE, DESCRIPTION OF OFFENSE, STATE/COUNTY IN WHICH IT OCCURRED AND DISPOSITION OF CASE
If none, write "NONE"
Have you ever completed a defensive driving course?
- Yes
- No
If YES, when?
Required Question
Gas Marketing & Admin. ManagerCity of Sunrise, FL
Fort Lauderdale
9 days ago